Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Reflection 2: It's all about...del.icio.us!!

I am all about staying organized! Del.icio.us is the tool for me! I feel in my personal life and at school the tool I would be most likely to use is del.icio.us. I have already started organizing my site so they are easy to access. I have tags for this coursework, for work and my personal favorite puzzles. It is so easy to use. I love it!

I can't forget to mention, I feel strongly that the video sites such as Teachertube.com can be a useful tool in the Resource room. Our role is to reinforce and reteach material to students. I used a video on "Cramers Rule" with a students who was having a difficult time. The student loved it and I found it to be a huge success. I am sure I will find this to be a useful tool in the future.


Harriet said...

I believe that you are right about being organized to be successful. Using the many tools that the different web sites may offer will allow better communication with greater accuracy.

ksnyder said...

Yes,I think del.icio.us is a great tool, also. I have found some sites for supporting Global. Now I need to search around for Earth Science and Living Environment. I like the idea of tags to stay organized and make sites easy to find.

Brian McDowell said...

You are right about del.icio.us, it is a great tool to keep organized with. No more losing strange websites that I accidentally stumble across. Your comment about successfully using videos in class is a good one. I need to try to work more of that into my teaching and website.

cholden said...

I was thinking about video sharing and how cool it was too for enhancing student learning. Then I started thinking about the other side. What about publishing student presentations/plays etc.? That would be a great way for them to see themselves as real writers and actors. I can see kids being totally into an activity where they knew that thousands of people would have the possiblity of seeing it. I also thought that delicious was cool because kids could gather resources for research or something like that. They would then have all their sites neatly set up for their later work.

Laurie O'Reilly said...

I need to spend more time on del.icio.us but I also really love the video sites like teachertube for reteaching. It's a great way for doing something different and most are short enough to not lose our kids interest.

Kevin Markman said...

Thanks for the application of how to use delicious. It made sense to me before, but more so with your organization by topic and content area as well. I think I will start to really use it now for categories like social skills, emotional supports, community resources in my role as a support to the school.

Julie said...

Your obvious comfort with the benefits of del.icio.us opened my eyes to some of the possibilities. I like your shared tags. I want to spend more time on this. You made it look fun and productive.