Monday, November 5, 2007

Online Video Resources /Review and Comments

I spent a great deal of time searching the four sites and the one that I favored was TeacherTube. I felt that this site provided a large amount of material and was easy to use. I especially like the use of tabs for popular videos, new videos, highly discussed and more. Keep it safe at the top is a self policing tool and provides easy access to report inappropriate material. If you have any doubts about the value of blogging there was one video, "Why Let our Students Blog"by Rachelboyd, that I felt did an excellent job of summarizing the benefits of blogging.
Blog to learn!

I felt Next Vista for Learning had potential but it seemed limited in content. I liked the clean uncluttered homepage and the ease of use. It was a bonus because there was no advertising and a non profit site.

YouTube offers the acceptablity that students would be attracted to. However I felt the it could be a dangerous place to send students. There are other sites that I would feel more comfortable using as a learning tool.

Clipblast again is an unfiltered site and may lead the students to inappropriate material. This site offers an internet search for videos from any website. You would never know what the student would get for material when searching. I would be overwelmed by the amount of websites that you would have to search.

I feel Online Video Resources would be a great tool for working with students in a Resource Room. For example in our Algebra II class we just learned about using "Cramers Rule". If I had a student in resource who was still confused about the steps I could send him to the video "Cramers Rule" by rebeeann, from Teachertube.
He would then have the oportunity to relearn the topic and replay it as often as needed. I could see this as a great reteaching tool. The other way I would use the video would be for the student that missed the day we did the lesson on "Cramers Rule". Often with their busy schedules it can be a couple of days until they can meet with the teacher. They could use the video to catch up on the lesson they missed in class. The more I learn about blogging and the more research I do I see all the benefits of blogging and the use of video sites as a learning tool. As the video I mention previosly says," Blogging extends the wall of the classroom," and video sites are a perfect example of this.


Unknown said...

I love the ideas you shared using Cramer's Rule as an example! These would be really great ways to use videos as learning and teaching tools.

Kathy N said...

You really summed up my feelings about the advantages and disadvantages of these sites precisely and articulately. Your words encouraged me to go back and review Teachertube for lessons I could find to help my students.Thaks!