Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Time for Reflection 1/ /Classroom Blogs

I believe classroom blogs can provide an excellent tool for communicating with students. I especially see blogging as a motivational tool for those students that otherwise might not be engaged in learning. I imagine students excited about reading other student blogs and writing their own. If students are excited about reading and writing they are excited about learning. I can also see classroom blogs as a communication tool where teachers and students can work together. They provide an audience for students so they can take pride in their work and are able to share their thoughts and opinions.
I think classroom blogs could be used in the classroom to help students develop more confidence in their writing skills.


Harriet said...

I agree with you that blogging in the classroom can be an amazing tool for the students. It would be wonderful if the teachers and the students could interact on a daily basis not just in the classrooms but on a personal level that blogging could accomplish.

Anonymous said...

All your points for using Blogging in the classroom are valid. Our students are living in a "technology generation." Linking learning to technology is the way to go! Since most students are comfortable using technology, blogging will be a great tool for learning, reading, writing, and communication. The problem we might face in some classrooms is that some teachers are not yet comfortable usig technology.