Friday, January 4, 2008

A Time for Reflection 3

Everything I know about new technology trends in education I learned in FALL 07 - Issues, Trends, and Tools in Education and Technology in a Web 2.0 World. Basically I had heard the terms blog and wiki but that was the extent of my knowledge. I found this course to be a great way to learn new technology. I could work at my own pace and didn't feel any pressure to keep up with the class. The directions were wonderfully easy and clear. Great Job! I enjoyed reading the post and learning from others in the class. There is a lot of information in this class that I am already using and will continue to use. I feel good about the knowledge that will help me stay current with the student. I feel confident I will be able to help students use the information I have gained from this class.

There is nothing I could think of that I would change about the course. I have gained a great deal of confidence in my abilities and knowledge of resources the internet has to offer.

I look forward to taking another class that will expand on my new found confidence. I am ready to take on the web! Thanks Lori!


Molly J said...

Wasn't this course fun?? I had such a great time exploring all the different web pages and setting up my own account (which I plan on using for a couple of reasearch projects that I need to do for college) See? An old dog can learn new trick!!

Sarah Sherwood said...

I loved this course, too. So much information and fun tools to use to make learning more interactive in the classroom. I can't wait to setup my own wiki and get my students more involved in community based learning that will integrate what we have learned.