Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Final Reflection

This was my first ever online course and I found it to be the best course I have ever taken. The material was relavent and informative. My first reaction was fear of not being able to complete the required activity because I felt it would be over my head. I soon learned that with Lori's directions and help from others I was able to be successful without to many issues. This class has been great learning experience and helped to boost my confidence in the classroom and at home when it comes to using online tools. I no longer feel afraid to try new technology. I have gained a new understanding of how useful the internet and it's tools can be as a teaching and learning tool.

I love the use of blogging and communicating this way. Not only did it give me the opportunity to practice using my blog but also to stay connected with others. I was able to gain insight from the the other participants that I may not have otherwise had. I especially liked the idea of online courses as it allows you to do the course at your own speed and still not feel left out or that you are missing something. I really look forward to more online courses. I would definitly take another one although I'm afraid I don't have any ideas what to do it on. I will leave that up to you.

This format is a huge success as far as I can see. Lori has done a great job of making the course suitable for even the most challenged of us. This class has given a new confidence and desire to continue learning about new technology.

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