Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Collaborative Project

In my attempt to be creative and come up with an idea I could use in the Math classes I push into I came across "The Math Trail" project, . Here is an example of taking math out of the classroom and into the community. This is done by teaching students to work together as a team and connecting that activity with students across the country. The message is that math is everywhere. The students create problems based on math they discover in their neighborhoods, communities and region. The problems are classified by topics and grade level. The team has to indicate the Standard to which their problem correlates. Technology such as photographs, videos, power points, illustrations etc. are used to enhance the submission. I loved this project because it makes math relavent and answers that age old question, "When will I ever use this in my life?".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very cool idea! Thanks for sharing this link too. I'm going to see if maybe some of the teachers I work with at the elementary level might be interested in participating! Great find!